Welcome to the S.H.E.T.T. Show

A “50 something” year old soldier, former cabinetmaker, amateur bicycle mechanic, and moderately fit dude’s blatherings on whatever happened to flit across his mind today.

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Advice from a Dream.

Not too long ago my wife an I were on vacation, and I had a dream involving advice on life. I don’t remember if I was giving or receiving the advice, but the points were rather good. There is a rather well known life lesson about “not taking criticism from anyone you wouldn’t take advice…

Overthinking It: The Bravest Person in the MCU.

I saw a post on social media the other day, that was asking who the bravest non-hero in the MCU was. The original post suggested that it was the old German man in the first Avengers movie. You know the guy: I don’t completely disagree. That was definitely an awesome scene, and there is no…

Why I Post Less on Social Media.

I am on several different social media platforms. I used to post all the time, but the amount I post has declined quite a bit over the last few years. Since the introduction of social media there have been many studies, and its generally accepted that social media has a very detrimental effect on our…