Overthinking It: The Bravest Person in the MCU.

I saw a post on social media the other day, that was asking who the bravest non-hero in the MCU was. The original post suggested that it was the old German man in the first Avengers movie. You know the guy:

I don’t completely disagree. That was definitely an awesome scene, and there is no denying that the old man was SUPER brave, but I came up with a different guy after I started…

How old do you think that character was? In his 70s maybe? When I think of the old man in that scene I imagine him thinking to himself “We’ve seen this before. No one stood up to the tyrant then, someone needs to do it now. I’ve had a good life, I’ll set the example and accept whatever happens.” He had no idea what Loki’s reaction would be, but he obviously was willing to accept the consequences.

Totally brave, and heroic, but the guy that popped into my head when I started overthinking it was this guy:

Now, I’m gonna start by saying I am not the only person that thought of this guy. In the original post there were MULTIPLE references to this scene, and I think this guy is the bravest (civilian) in the MCU. Here is why:

How old do you think THIS guy was, his mid to late 20s? Maybe early 30s. He still has the majority of his life ahead of him, so you could argue that he had more to lose than the old man in Avengers. Its pretty obvious that he was incapable of defending himself or taking any sort of action in that situation. You could tell that he was UTTERLY terrified, he knew EXACTLY what would happen when he took his stand; and he still did it.

Bravery does not happen without over coming fear, and though the old man in Avengers was definitely brave, I didn’t get a sense of him overcoming his fear to make his stand the way I did with the S.H.I.E.L.D. technician in Captain America: Winter Soldier.

Which is why I, like many of the other people in the comments on the original post, choose “Specialist Cameron Klein” over “German Old Man” as the bravest civilian in the MCU.

(I didn’t realize the character had a name until I looked him up!)