Feminism, Sexism, & Blurry Lines

While I was in Borden for my training, Zack Snyder's Justice League was released for streaming. Being in Borden and not having access to a decent tv set up, I had to wait several months to view it. Four hours is a bit of a haul for a movie, but to me it didn't feel … Continue reading Feminism, Sexism, & Blurry Lines

Justice League: Snyder vs Whedon

Zack Snyder (L) left directing Justice League and Joss Whedon (R) took over for him. Seems like Joss Whedon has taken a bit of a beating on social media and in the news the last few days. Most of the talk is due to hype of the Snyder Cut of Justice League being made and … Continue reading Justice League: Snyder vs Whedon