Why I Post Less on Social Media.

I am on several different social media platforms. I used to post all the time, but the amount I post has declined quite a bit over the last few years. Since the introduction of social media there have been many studies, and its generally accepted that social media has a very detrimental effect on our … Continue reading Why I Post Less on Social Media.

“Death Will be a Relief.”

https://youtu.be/M9E7oaqZZOE?si=Lz_exi1PpnK8hM58 A couple years ago I had a bout of insomnia. I finally got up at some ridiculous hour and turned on the tv hoping to reset my brain and go back to sleep. I browsed through Netflix and landed on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee where Jerry Seinfeld takes famous comedic actors to coffee, … Continue reading “Death Will be a Relief.”